It was a genuine thrill to connect with you in person after the last 12 months and to see representation from all Australian states. Whether you attended as a delegate, exhibitor, sponsor, speaker or a mixture of the above we thank you immensely for your support.
Below is a collection of resources from our 2021 conference, including general videos and educational session audio files & presentation packs. We encourage you to utilise these resources to provide additional value to your work during the year and to improve your knowledge of the fleet industry as a whole.
Conference Highlights
Catch up on all the excitement from the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre and from Palladium at Crown.
Day 1 Wrap 2:07
Day 2 Wrap 2:07
Networking Dinner & Fleet Awards 2:09
What attendees had to say 1:49
What attendees had to say 1:59
What attendees had to say 1:39
2021 Fleet Awards
Congrats once again to our winners for 2021 for their outstanding achievements.
Conference Audio
Learn more about fleet management and the automotive industry as a whole from our huge list of 2021 Conference Speakers.
Conference Slides
Selected slides from our speakers are available for download as a PDF. For details, click on the button below.
Conference Feedback
Tell us what you liked and didn’t like about the 2021 Conference. All feedback is anonymous – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Conference Audio
Learn more about fleet management and the automotive industry as a whole from our huge list of 2021 Conference Speakers.
Scroll down, select the session and scroll back up and press PLAY
To reduce listening time you can speed up the recording. Press x1.0 and adjust
Conference Slides
Selected slides from our speakers are available for download as a PDF. For details, click on the individual session below.
Preparing today for the fleet of the future
Steve Nuttall, Research Director
ACA Research
Vehicle Emissions - What are the policy makers doing to help
Behyad Jafari, CEO, Electric Vehicle Council
Dan Hilson, CEO, Evenergi
Scott Nargar, Manager of Future Mobility & Government Relations, Hyundai Motor Company Australia
ANCAP SAFETY - A new decade and lift in five-star criteria
Carla Hoorweg, CEO
Using technology to create a safer fleet
John Barlow, Senior Manager Fleet Operations, NSW Department of Planning Industry & Environment
Strategic Thinking Towards the Combined Management of Cost, Risk and Performance Outcomes
Chris Dhu, Head of Fleet
Essential Energy
Strategic Technology Technology Technology
Shaun Janks, CEO, DingGo.com.au
Eden Shirley, CEO, AutoGuru
Drew Schnehage, Managing Director, Innovation Group
What Does Green Look Like
Wayne Wescott, CEO
Understanding Vehicle Load Weight
David Schneiders, Senior Executive – Corporate Partnerships + Strategic Development, Pedders Suspension & Brakes
Emotional Intelligence is the Key to Success
Lisa Panarello, Founder & CEO
Careers Advance
Mobility - Assets, Systems and Policies
Yves Helven, Director
Connector K. K.
Running a successful request for proposal for telematics
Mark Bucknall, Associate VP Sales Australia/NZ, GEOTAB
Exploring fleet management KPI's and benchmarks.pdf
Darren Gore, General Manager
Summit Fleet Leasing and Management
ADAS – Vehicle Customisation with Modern ADAS Technology & Safety features
Luke Truskinger, Managing Director
Auto Innovation Centre (AIC)
Maximising remarketing returns by upstream Selling
Philip Browne, Managing Director
Autorola Australia Pty Ltd
Impaired Driving – You Don’t Need to Break the Law to be Impaired
Greg Slore, Health & Safety Advisor

Save the following dates for your calendar, as our conference moves to New South Wales in 2022.