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Personal Development Series Learning Library

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“I attended the Emotional Intelligence webinar, and it was an eye-opening experience. I can’t wait to explore more topics in the upcoming webinars!”

This Personal Development series was developed by the Australasian Fleet Management Association (AfMA), but it has nothing to do with cars, it’s about helping people become the best versions of themselves.

EI predicts performance. People with strong Emotional Intelligence are more likely to succeed than those with high IQs or relevant experience. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. Emotional Intelligence is the key to success, developing your EI will help at work and home!

The series is based on Emotional Intelligence because a survey of 2,600+ hiring managers and HR professionals revealed that Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a critical characteristic for landing a job and advancing your career.


employers would not hire someone who has a high IQ, but low EQ


they’re more likely to promote the high EI worker

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The AfMA Personal Development Online Course Learning Library


Creative Problem Solving

Solving problems is part of our everyday lives, however creative problem solving can deliver improved outcomes. This session will explore process, techniques and examples of creative problem solving.

This presentation will reveal unique insights and practical solutions for igniting career mobility.

Learn how to:

  • Develop techniques to organise your thoughts and approach issues without preconceived assumptions.
  • Understand the role that root cause analysis plays in creative problem solving.
  • Define the Six Thinking Hats methodology in problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Utilise mind maps to promote creativity, organisation, collaboration, and adaptability throughout the problem-solving process.

Emotional Intelligence is the Key to Success

Research indicates emotional intelligence (EI) predicts performance and that people with strong EI are more likely to succeed than those with high IQs or relevant experience.

Intellect (IQ) may have got you there, but EI will determine how far you go and how effective you are. EI helps you build stronger relationships, achieve goals, communicate effectively, overcome challenges, and adapt to change.

Learn how to:

  • Understand the importance of emotional intelligence and the key role it plays in successful outcomes.
  • Develop your self-awareness to bring out the best in yourself and others.
  • Build stronger relationships through deeper understanding, empathy, and genuine connection.
  • Explore ways to navigate complex social dynamics, adapt to change, and cultivate resilience.

Developing a Continuous Improvement Mindset

The effectiveness of any organisation hinges on every employee taking responsibility for constant improvements to products, services and processes. What is needed and how do you foster a continuous improvement culture?

This presentation will reveal unique insights and practical solutions for developing a continuous improvement mindset.

Learn how to:

  • Understand the impact of your beliefs and values on mindset.
  • Define the impact of a positive mindset on decision making and continuous improvement.
  • Create a culture of open communication where feedback is encouraged and used to drive improvement.
  • Engage team members in the improvement process, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration.
  • Develop a leadership approach that empowers others to identify, challenge and communicate ideas and improvement initiatives.

Dealing with Difficult People

From bosses to co-workers to clients and beyond, difficult people come in every conceivable variety. Some talk incessantly. Others don’t speak up at all. Some are demanding or fail to keep commitments. Some constantly criticise or complain. Others compete for power, privilege, and the spotlight.

Difficult people translate into conflict. Conflict creates discomfort. So, many of us ignore it, only to have it resurface as misunderstandings, mistakes, resentment, loss of self, and a decline in workplace harmony. Let’s turn the tide.

Learn how to:

  • Assess where the conflict really lies.
  • Determine appropriate means for confronting challenging behaviours.
  • Shift from a ‘defensive’ to an ‘offensive position’ during the conversation.
  • Improve your ‘active listening’ skills and foster empathy.
  • Navigate to mutual understanding and agreement of how to proceed in the relationship.

The Power of Saying No

Everybody wants something from you. Clients, supervisors, vendors, colleagues, the list goes on. As professionals, we are conditioned to say ‘yes’ without hesitation: “Yes, I will do that; Yes, I can get it done…”

Sometimes saying “yes” is the right answer. However, the overuse of “yes” can lead to stress, anxiety, mistakes, poor performance, and damaged reputations. We CAN succeed with “no.”

Learn how to:

  • Face the fears behind saying ‘no’ to people that matter to you.
  • Define the reasons why ‘no’ may be the way to go.
  • Develop techniques for assessing your ‘yes/no’ capacity.
  • Use language for delivering a ‘no’ response—without guilt!
  • Uncover emotional and financial benefits of creating the ‘yes’ reality you want!

Gearing Up for Performance Reviews

Do you feel powerless in performance reviews? Do you walk away wanting more? Demanding a raise and begging for a promotion won’t yield desired results.  Proving your value and using the right ‘ask’ strategy will.

This presentation will offer progressive tactics and practical solutions for engaging in review meetings with confidence and skill.

Learn how to:

  • Ready your pre-game—throughout the year.
  • Complete review documents with a two-way perspective.
  • Develop a ‘co-driver’ mindset and prepare talking points for discussion.
  • Accept positive and construct criticism with grace.
  • Build negotiating power—and leverage ANY meeting outcome for growth!

Networking with Purpose

Think networking can help you advance your career? You’re right—if you do it right! Unfortunately, many professionals wait until a dire situation and then proceed haphazardly, which leads to self-doubt, anxiety, frustration, and disappointment—emotions that halt progression.

It’s time to understand your role and lead a networking strategy with intention and resolve!

Learn how to:

  • Shift from passive ‘only when in need’ to an active ‘consistently exploring’ networker.
  • Break away from ‘I’ll sound annoying, desperate or insincere’ mindset.
  • Create a realistic plan of attack using a 5W-H approach.
  • Establish authentic, productive connections—and manage relationships for years to come.
  • Transition conversational outcomes into career moves.

SMART Goals: Setting Up for Success and Managing the Journey

Top-level athletes, businesspeople, and achievers in all fields set goals. Why? Goals give you long-term vision, help you connect to an end game, and provide short-term motivation to power through the daily grind.

The challenge about goals is that we often set them, and then set them aside. We just run on autopilot, only to struggle to operate at optimal levels and exceed expectations—that makes it difficult to ask for promotions and raises.

Learn how to:

  • Create and employ SMART goals that work.
  • Develop quantifiable methods to track results.
  • Maintain motivation and focus on your goals.
  • Substantiate your value to ace those performance reviews.
  • Formulate definitive goal milestones and actions.

The Steps to Leadership: Become a Better Leader

What do I need to do to start my leadership journey? What are the stages of leadership development?

Why is Emotional intelligence and its development Important? What are the essential soft and hard skills to lead a team of people or project?

In this webinar identify and understand potential areas of skill development and learn about some practical steps you can take to build your leadership capability.

Learn about:

  • The different levels of leadership
  • The changes that occur when moving between these
  • Techniques for more effective leading at the right level
  • Understanding where you are in your leadership journey.

Manage your Attention, Not your Time

Have you noticed that more and more people want more and more of your attention? So much so that algorithms are working day and night to figure out how to attract and capture your attention. That’s because your attention has value. Including dollar value! But we often don’t value our own attention as much as others apparently value it.

It’s sometimes frustrating to reflect on what we’ve given our attention to when we compare that to what we say we value.

Learn how to:

  • Develop practical ways to manage your valuable attention to improve productivity.
  • Identify and avoid distraction.
  • Focus on your high value contributions.
  • Understand the costs of distraction on you and the business.
  • Prioritise your time and energy.

The Power of Conversations at Work

Organisations, teams, and relationships, at their core, are created and sustained by conversations. In fact, organisations and teams might be described as conversations – the conversations that happen inside, around and about them.

So, the quality of our conversations is going to have a direct influence on the quality of relationships, connections, trust, collaboration … pretty much everything.

Learn how to:

  • Understand the importance of communication and the role it plays in successful outcomes.
  • Explore the ways you can sharpen your conversational intelligence to bring out the best in yourself and others.
  • Develop trust, understanding, recognition and appreciation through quality communication.

Intrapreneurship: A Fresh Perspective on Elevating your Role and Brand Value

Companies recognise that they must continually innovate to maintain a place in the market—it’s simply a matter of sinking or swimming. That’s where YOU come in. Intrapreneurship is acting like an entrepreneur inside your established company. The beauty is that you’re not building something entirely from scratch, nor risking your own money.

This program reveals strategies for developing an intrapreneurial mindset and how growth can take shape from your desk as you embrace change and evolve your own brand for the long term.

Learn how to:

  • Identify opportunities within the market.
  •  Create products or services to fill a gap.
  •  Find better ways of doing things.
  •  Generate or enable profitability.

Habits of Excellent Leaders

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit,” Aristotle told us. While all of us strive to be excellent, much of what we do is habit, including the ways we seek to influence others. Some habits are useful – even excellent – and create positive effects. Others, not so much.

Tap the potential of three practical, everyday habits of effective leadership that can create and sustain excellence around you.

Learn how to:

  • Developing people’s potential and foster growth.
  •  Encourage creativity and innovation within your team.
  •  Promote critical thinking and problem-solving.
  •  Build stronger relationships and cultivate a culture of inclusiveness.

Effective Priorities Management

Being able to organise, prioritise and change priorities when needed is an effective leadership capability.

What is effective priority management, how important is it, and how do you improve it?

Learn how to:

  • Identify and prioritise critical objectives in order to maximise productivity and efficiently allocate resources.
  • Develop strategies and techniques for organising tasks, managing time effectively, and adapting priorities as needed.
  • Understand the role of clear communication, feedback, and delegation in achieving effective priority management and fostering a productive team environment.

Implementing and Managing Change

If there’s one constant in life, its change!

Implementing and managing change starts with you. This presentation will explore how to successfully implement change and provide practical tools to improve outcomes.

Learn how to:

  • Understand the significance of mindset in change management.
  • Create a culture that fosters and encourages change in the workforce.
  • Successfully engage team members in the change process, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration.
  • Develop change leadership through communication, empathy and understanding.

Managing Relationships and Communicating with Stakeholders

Communication is simple, isn’t it? The art of communication is fundamental to managing and maintaining relationships.

This presentation will provide insights and practical solutions on how to successfully engage internal and external stakeholders to support the achievement of your goals.

Learn how to:

  • Develop practical methods for engaging and aligning with multiple stakeholders of a project effectively.
  • Understand the role EI plays in effective stakeholder engagement.
  • Tailor your communication strategy to support and advance specific goals and objectives.
  • Build and maintain positive relationships with various stakeholders to gain support and cooperation.
  • Adapt strategies to meet evolving stakeholder expectations and industry trends.

Building Accountability for Achieving Change

Accountability is not limited to those you manage, it starts with self-accountability and understanding why we avoid it.

This session will explore how to drive accountability for successful implementation of change and enhance career mobility.

Learn how to:

  • Develop accountability in yourself and others.
  • Build positive relationships based on trust and accountability.
  • Tailor communication to convey change process, benefits and challenges effectively, fostering shared understanding and accountability.
  • Cultivate collaboration by building a culture that embraces empathy and openly discusses common challenges and vulnerabilities.

Leadership vs Management: How and Why the Distinctions Matter

The terms ‘leaders’ and ‘managers’ are often used interchangeably in organisations to describe those with a higher level of responsibility. But does an experienced star employee always make a good boss? Are good people managers automatically effective leaders? Not necessarily.

And in today’s world, it takes both to mobilise a workforce and move a business forward.

Learn how to:

  • Outline the critical differences and similarities between management and leadership.
  • Demonstrate scenarios when each is relevant.
  • Provide techniques for moving from management to leadership.
  • Help you answer the questions “can I be both?” and “do I want to be?”
  • Outline scenarios when the principles of management and leadership are relevant to your personal life.

Managing Up Down and Across: A Balance between Being Human and Strategic

The majority of the work you do requires assistance or cooperation from people who are in the same part of your organisation—and those who aren’t. Being in the middle can be messy. But neglecting to manage up, down and across effectively may cost you opportunities for growth.

The solution isn’t about avoiding work, rebelling, or kissing up. It’s about how to understand others and learning to influence in all directions.

Learn how to:

  • Develop fresh perspectives and fundamental tactics for establishing authority.
  • Cultivate trust and followership.
  • Drive results—while protecting your goals and reputation.
  • Define and understand your role in professional relationships.
  • Identify strategies and lead productive conversations.

Management to Leadership: Navigating the Emotional Journey of Transition

Traveling the road from management to leadership can be both exciting and daunting.

“I have the desire and skills, but am I really ready for the leap? I’ve earned the title promotion, but will my elder and younger peers treat me as their leader? I know where the business needs to go, but can I persuade others to my vision?”

The top challenges leaders face has less to do about achieving business objectives or beating out the competition, and more to do with achieving self-confidence and appropriately asserting influence.

Learn how to:

  • Highlight the soft skills required to move from management to leadership
  • Reveal the 5 types of imposter syndromes that hold managers back from becoming effective leaders
  • Identify the causes of imposter syndrome
  • Provide emotional intelligence strategies to reframe the beliefs, actions and conversations that foster self-doubt.

Leadership Styles: Is Yours Working?

Most professionals develop their own style of leadership based on factors like experience and personality, as well as the specific needs of a company and its organisational culture.

Every leader is different, but there are several leadership styles commonly used in the workplace.

Learn how to:

  • The different theories and styles of leadership
  • The characteristics of different styles
  • When they are the most effective and appropriate
  • How to evaluate your leadership style
  • The importance of adaptive leadership
  • Strategies to assist with adapting and developing your style.