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An integral component of fleet management is acknowledging and accepting that crashes involving employees and work-related vehicles do occur on the roads but how the circumstances are handled can define the success of incident management policies and procedures.

Fleet managers have the responsibility to ensure adequate incident management procedures have been implemented and education provided to protect the individual and organisation.

Do your drivers know what to do if they are in an accident?

In a minor or major accident resulting in vehicle damage, property damage and/or personal injury information must be collected and filed with the organization.

The following details (preferably from their licence) should be exchanged with all drivers involved in the accident regardless of who was at fault:

  • Driver’s full name
  • Driver’s address
  • Driver’s licence and expiry date
  • Name and address of the owner of the vehicle if not owned by the driver
  • Full description of the vehicle including the year, make, model, colour, and registration number
  • Any Personal injuries
  • Details of any property damage
  • Obtain the name and address of any witnesses

In the event of serious injury emergency services should be contacted through 000.

Drivers should refrain from discussing the details of the crash with present parties at the site of the incident and file an accident report with the appropriate company channels as timely as possible.

For more information about incident management AfMA members can check out our Fleet Management Guide. For details about becoming an AfMA member, click here.