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As fleet professionals, we have an ongoing responsibility to reduce driver distractions and prevent crashes within the mobile workplace.

A helpful new video from the team at Fleet Expert looks at why traffic fatalities and injuries are growing and what industry experts can do to help lower these risks.

According to author Mike Pitcher, the fleet industry must demonstrate leadership within their organisation in order to bring about positive change.

“We as a fleet industry must take the lead, by showing a personal commitment to end texting while we are driving, and other distracting behaviours,” he said.

“When you start to talk to people in numbers you are talking to their heads, [but] we as an industry also have to talk to their heart.”

Put simply a personal and heartfelt approach that gets your employees thinking about their families, friends and coworkers will be more effective than simply emailing through a boring list of roadside statistics. Make the time and the effort to communicate your safety messages through to your entire organisation.

“This has to be a personal commitment to put that phone down and drive,” he said.

“People in the fleet industry have the opportunity to be leaders in this field – take the lead!”