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Queensland has introduced new high-tech camera technology to catch those using their phones on the road and neglecting seatbelt laws.

Tough penalties are set to follow drivers caught using their mobile phone illegally, receiving a $1,033 fine and four demerit points as well as $413 fine and three demerit points taken from those not wearing a seatbelt.

The technology uses Artificial Intelligence (A.I) to analyse the images captured by the cameras and determine if the driver or other vehicle occupants are ignoring vital road laws. When a potential offence is detected, the image will be reviewed by an authorised TMR officer to make a final determination.

“We know on average around 29 people are killed and more than 1000 others are seriously injured every year on Queensland roads as a result of crashes where driver distraction played a part,” RACQ spokeswoman Renee Smith said.

These tough new attitudes are a response to those preventable injuries and deaths.

“People will be very surprised to be caught on roads that they never thought they would get caught on. Enough is enough,” Queensland Road and Transport Minister, Mark Bailey warned.

“We are totally unapologetic about getting tough.”

The various locations of the cameras will remain a secret and they will be moved regularly, monitoring both urban and rural roads, catching anyone, anywhere flouting the rules.

During a period of 12 weeks, over 21,000 warning letters were issued to Queensland drivers for seat belt and mobile phone related offences, which would have resulted in more than $20 million in fines had the penalties been enforced.

As of November 1st 2021 there were no more warning letters and drivers will face the penalties should they ignore laws which have been established for their own and others safety on the road.