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Time is running out for nominations for the Australasian Fleet Champions Award. Entries will close on 21st July 2023. Safety-conscious organisations from New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific region, as well as individuals, are urged to complete the nomination process and showcase their accomplishments.

Organised by Brake, the road safety charity, the Australasian Fleet Champions Awards provide a platform to recognise and celebrate organisations actively working towards reducing incidents and pollution associated with at-work drivers and vehicles. The awards aim to inspire others in the industry and promote best practices throughout the region.

With seven categories in total, including five tailored for organisations and two for individuals, these awards cover Fleet Safety, Sustainable Fleet, Technology and Innovation, Fleet Manager of the Year, and more. The range of categories ensures a diverse recognition of achievements and contributions within the fleet management sector.

Winners will be announced in Auckland on 19th October. For those unable to attend in person, virtual attendance options will be available, enabling participants from all corners of Australasia to join in the celebration.

This year’s Australasian Fleet Champions Awards emphasise safety, sustainability, and innovation in fleet management. By honouring those who have excelled in these areas, the awards encourage organisations to continuously improve and strive for excellence in their fleet operations.