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Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has made available a number of trucking-related videos as part of October’s Safe Work Month.

The issue of safety has taken on greater importance in 2020 due to the repercussions of COVID-19 upon the working lives of all Australians.

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland are offering free virtual events and videos of industry-specific topics, including the trucking industry. The virtual events can be viewed by simply by registering on its website at

Live-streamed expert speakers and panels are covering topics including the ongoing health and safety implications of COVID-19; wellbeing programs; safety culture and leadership; rehabilitation and return to work; and mental health.

For transport videos, the Workplace Health and Safety Queensland site offers links to presentations including:

For any newcomers to road transport and even experienced operators, the site is well worth a look regardless of your state or territory.

For further information go to