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The 2017 Fleet Environment Award has been awarded to the Churches of Christ in Queensland for their outstanding contributions within the sector.

Under the leadership of Group Manager Procurement, Fleet and Sustainability Richard Schuster, the organisation set out to strengthen their commitment to the environment from its fleet through a variety of successful initiatives.

“As a Christian organisation believing that God created this world and put humans in charge of caring for it, it was agreed that we could do a lot better job in our caretaker role,” Mr Schuster said.

“Caring for people extends further than just caring for their immediate needs, it means ensuring that their future on this planet, and their children’s future, is not only assured but is improved in terms of quality.”

It is through this vision that the Churches of Christ in Queensland has, among other measures, introduced electric vehicles to its fleet, installed telematics to vehicles to provide data analysis, offset over 1,800 tonnes of carbon dioxide through planting 7,000 native trees, and made use of start-stop technology to reduce fuel consumption in congested urban driving conditions.

The wide changes within the organisation has also seen a commitment to purchasing, wherever practicable, vehicles that meet the following carbon dioxide emissions targets: Passenger vehicles: 150 grams/km or better; Light commercial vehicles: 240 g/km or better.

“The fleet sustainability strategy is a combination of both reducing and offsetting fleet carbon emissions, as well as contributing to broader environmental outcomes across Queensland.

“In addition to adding electric vehicles to the fleet, we have focused on opportunities to charge those vehicles from renewable sources – predominantly solar energy,” he said.

Joined by Greg Jensen and Shannon Townsley, the Churches of Christ in Queensland fleet team boasts a combined total of 73 years experience, which has assisted the organisation to become a “shining light” of sustainability. In recent years, overall emissions have dropped from 224 g/km to 182 g/km, with the organisation committed to a sustainable environmental policy for the long haul.

“Through deliberate intervention, tightening of fleet policy, and the support of senior management, the make-up of our fleet has changed substantially over recent years,” Mr Schuster said.

“Planned reductions for the next two years are seven per cent per annum. This will see the average g/km drop to 170g/km in 2017/18 and a figure of 158g/km in 2018/19.”

The Australasian Fleet Management Association supports innovation and excellence in Fleet Management. The AFMA Fleet Awards seek to identify advances in best practice in Fleet Management and to bring these to the attention of its members and the industry.

AfMA would like to acknowledge its official sponsor of the 2017 Fleet Environmental Award, Tyre Stewardship Australia.