The Situation
A national survey of 2,600+ hiring managers and HR professionals revealed that Emotional Intelligence (E.I.) is a critical characteristic for landing a job and advancing one’s career. 59% of employers would not hire someone who has a high IQ, but low EQ. promote the high E.I. worker. Why?
E.I. predicts performance. People with strong emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed than those with high IQs or relevant experience.
People with a high degree of emotional intelligence earn more money an average of $29,000 more per year than those with a low E.I. The link is so direct that every one point increase in E.I. adds $1,300 to an annual salary. These findings hold true for people in all industries, at all levels, in every region of the world.
For instance, a national insurance company study showed that agents weak in emotional areas, such as self-confidence, initiative, and empathy sold policies with an average $54,000 premium, while those strong in 5 of 8 E.I. competencies sold policies on average worth $114,000. After supervisors in a manufacturing plant received training in emotional competencies, lost-time accidents decreased 50% and grievances went down from 15 per year to three. The plant itself exceeded productivity goals by $250,000.
It’s quite simple really: people would rather work and do business with a person they like and trust rather than someone they don’t, even if that that person is offering a better product at a lower price. And the higher up in the organisation, the more crucial emotional intelligence abilities are, as the impacts are greater and felt wider throughout the entire organization. These principles apply to all areas and relationships, at work and home.
So how can you improve staff potential, team performance, workplace harmony and business results?
The Solution
Our 4 Part series on Emotional Intelligence is a webinar program. Each virtual session is one hour in duration and centred on a specific professional development topic with E.I. at the helm. Attendees will be guided through a journey of insightful instruction and interactive components, yielding a culminating effect of learning for immediate and future application.
Participants who fully participate in the 4-part E.I. series will leave with:
- Heightened level of self-awareness and awareness of others
- Sense of empowerment to handle challenging interpersonal situations
- Increased understanding of the benefit of active listening skills and empathy
- Elevated ability to and accountability for achieving business objectives and advance their career
The Series
The series will be facilitated by Lisa Panarello the founder & CEO of Careers Advance and this professional development workshop series will take you on an evolutionary journey of learning as we explore the impact of emotional intelligence on four critical success topics. Lisa delivered a keynote address at AfMA’s conference in May 2021 and a senior manager said he learnt more from Lisa’s 30 minute than he did from a two day emotional intelligence course he completed last year.
*Series topics subject to change
From bosses to co-workers to clients and beyond, difficult people come in every conceivable variety. Some talk incessantly. Others don’t speak up at all. Some are demanding or fail to keep commitments. Some constantly criticize or complain. Others compete for power, privilege and the spotlight.
28th September
Event Completed
Everybody wants something from you. Clients, supervisors, vendors, colleagues, the list goes on. As professionals, we are conditioned to say ‘yes’ without hesitation: “Yes, I will do that; Yes, I can get it done…” Sometimes saying “yes” is the right answer. However, the overuse of “yes” can lead to stress, anxiety, mistakes, poor performance, and damaged reputations. We CAN succeed with “no.”
22nd October
Event Completed
Do you feel powerless in performance reviews? Do you walk away wanting more? Demanding a raise and begging for a promotion won’t yield desired results. Proving your value and using the right ‘ask’ strategy will.
We have extended the session time by an extra 15 mins to allow for more questions.
12th November
Event Completed
Think networking can help you advance your career? You’re right—if you do it right! Unfortunately, many professionals wait until a dire situation and then proceed haphazardly, which leads to self-doubt, anxiety, frustration, and disappointment—emotions that halt progression. It’s time to understand your role and lead a networking strategy with intention and resolve!
We have extended the session time by an extra 15 mins to allow for more questions.
10th December
Event Completed
What They’re Saying
Optional Small Group Sessions
Professionals seeking to go deeper with their E.I. training for extended lifetime value can invest in the small group follow-up session option (maximum of 6 participants).
Participants who participate in this 75-min follow-up virtual session will receive:
- Two-science Behavioural Assessment (DISC / EQ)
- Comprehensive 21+ pg. report detailing behavioural/communication strengths and areas for improvement
- Open and confidential forum to share questions, thoughts, and concerns
- Personalized attention and recommendations for working through specific pain points
- Starting action plan from which to implement for professional and personal growth
The cost for each participant in the follow-up session which includes the behavioural assessments and report is AUD$350.00 excl GST.
Click the box below to download
Express your interest by emailing AfMA on [email protected]

Lisa Panarello
Lisa is an empowerment coach and previously featured on the CBS Early Show and a top nine finalist in Toastmasters International (World Champion of Public Speaking Contest).
Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Lisa Panarello comes to the table with a level of energy and commitment that can’t be beat. She’s the founder and CEO of Careers Advance, a private practice specializing in professional training and development, career planning, leadership savvy, interpersonal communication, personal branding, and public speaking.
For more than 17 years, she has been sought after by corporate, civic, educational, and non-profit institutions, including JPMorgan Chase, Novartis, the NYPD, NYU, My Goal Autism, and Automotive Fleet & Leasing Association. Her powerhouse programs have inspired more than half a million students, professionals and executives worldwide.
Since 2001, she’s helped organizations and businesses increase staff engagement and retention and drive bottom-line results while guiding individuals in navigating challenging work environments and turning frustrating job situations into exciting career journeys. Lisa is certified in Behavior Assessments (DISC/Driving Forces/Emotional Intelligence), holds a BBA in Marketing from Baruch College, and has 15+ years of experience in diverse industries, including retail, publishing, marketing, and human resources. With an entrepreneurial mindset and unique blend of humour and practicality, Lisa provides insights and strategies that enable success seekers create the reality the desire!