GRID Group are national fleet vehicle cleaning specialists. The global onslaught of Covid19 caused the Australian Government to close our borders, decimating our tourism industry. Hire cars, campers and mobile home fleets all came to standstill overnight. Our income from this sector ceased.
Like many businesses, we were concerned about the implication of Covid19 on our future. As a business we decided to educate ourselves. All senior staff immediately underwent Covid19 Infection Control Training. We upgraded our cleaning systems and products in line with Health Departments and TGA recommendations and repositioned our business to assist transport, car yards and rideshare fleets become Covid Compliant. Using our consultants we also developed the Grid Assured system of certification to enable clients to communicate their Covid hygiene control measures to their customer base.
When COVID-19 hit, it was unique and something we hadn’t seen before. Without the guidance and services of the GRID Group, our company BE COOL REFRIGERATED COURIERS could have been severely exposed. GRID Group helped bring sanitization to all our vehicle fleets across Australia.”—Tony Tannous
We also uncovered a need for non-alcoholic hand sterilisers. Most hand sanitisers contain 70% alcohol. At this concentration alcohol is both drying to hands and remains as a flammable residue. This is simply dangerous to some transport fleets. We began distributing the single-use, PUSHEX hand wipes from the Middle East that contained the active ingredient of 0.1300% benzalkonium chloride—a TGA recognised sterilant. Being alcohol free, these wipes are both excellent personal protection, and a unique promotional product during these Covid times.

Pictures supplied by Chris Lane, Australian Community Media
In August GRID Group was awarded the Vehicle Sanitisation Station tender for point-to-point vehicles, by the NSW Government, at Leumeah.
Weeks prior we also introduced a sanitised vehicle drop-off service for fleet managers, service centres and car yards.
Covid19 has created the single biggest challenge and opportunity for our business. Grid Group has had to adapt to new markets, improve processes and business models in the most incredible of economic conditions. Covid19 changed the way we did business from just cleaning fleet vehicles, to also making sure they were safe.
For further details about Grid Group, click here