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Supporting Partners

The Australasian Fleet Management Association (AfMA) is a member based, not-for-profit peak industry body throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.

AfMA’s membership base represents all sectors of the Fleet And Automotive industries including Corporate , SME, Fleet Management , Distributors , Manufacturers , Suppliers and Federal, State and Local Government and is responsible for the management of many hundreds of thousands of fleet vehicles.

AfMA lobbies , informs and advocates on behalf of our members and connects key industry participants so they understand the key issues and challenges affecting the Fleet Industry.

Click here to learn more about recent reports and submissions on important topics impacting our members and their organisations:


National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation 2022

The National Electric Vehicle Strategy seeks  to ensure all Australians can access the best transport technologies and help meet national emission reduction targets. AfMA’s submission represents member organisations with significant fleets who are important stakeholders in the transition and take up of electric vehicles and outlines recommendation and actions that can support this transition and its impacts.

Download Reports

Full Report

RACE for 2030: Business Fleets and EVs briefing

Business fleets are an effective pathway for early adoption of BEVs but the availability of workplace charging infrastructure is low.

Full Report

Electric Vehicles in Business Fleets Report

The information and insights in this report are designed to provide a status check for organisational transition to zero emissions vehicles, inform and empower suppliers of products and services to Australian fleets, as well as policy makers at all levels of government.


Australian Corporate Fleet Insights Report

This program started in 2018 and every 2 years the research provides a deeper insight into many different aspects of fleet management.

For a copy of the full report this can be purchased through Fifth Quadrant, click HERE. Discount available for AfMA members please contact us at [email protected].

Supporting Partners