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On Monday, September 16th, David Horsager, global trust expert and best-selling author of The Trust Edge, delivered a compelling keynote address at the AFLA Conference in San Antonio, centred on one of the most crucial elements of organisational success: trust.

David’s message was clear—trust is not merely a soft skill but the driving force behind thriving teams, robust productivity, and long-term growth. He emphasised that trust influences every aspect of an organisation, from morale and innovation to collaboration and revenue generation. The absence of trust leads to inefficiencies, miscommunication, delays, and stress, all of which can negatively impact organisational performance.

The 8 Pillars of Trust

During his keynote, David introduced the audience to his 8 Pillars of Trust—a framework that everyone can adopt to foster and maintain trust within their organisations:

  1. Clarity – Clear communication and well-defined expectations lay the foundation for trust. Without clarity, mistrust can easily develop.
  2. Compassion – Those who demonstrate empathy and care for their team members create stronger, more loyal relationships.
  3. Character – Ethical behaviour, honesty, and integrity are the bedrocks of trust.
  4. Competency – Continuous learning and professional development are critical.
  5. Commitment – Following through on promises is vital.
  6. Connection – Building meaningful relationships cultivates trust.
  7. Contribution – When a leader delivers tangible results that align with an organisation’s goals, the organisation can trust them to drive it forward.
  8. Consistency – Trust is earned over time. Repeated, dependable actions build and reinforce trust, while inconsistency can quickly erode it.

One of the standout messages from David’s presentation was the importance of clarity and transparency. Without clear communication, teams can quickly lose direction and trust. He also stressed that commitment breeds commitment; being reliable and consistent in important matters must inspire the same behaviours in their teams, creating a high-trust environment that fosters collaboration and innovation.

However, he made it clear that trust is not a one-time achievement; leaders must continuously nurture it. Every action, or inaction, has the potential to either strengthen or weaken trust. Leaders must be intentional in their efforts to build and sustain trust, recognising that it is a dynamic asset requiring ongoing care.

David Horsager concluded his keynote with a powerful reminder: everything of value is built on trust. Trust is more than just a buzzword; it is a tangible, measurable asset that directly impacts organisational success.

We must remember that trust is the foundation of everything we do, and this keynote session serves as a reminder that, in our ever-evolving world, trust remains the cornerstone of all progress. For organisations committed to growth, trust isn’t optional—it’s essential.

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