Applications for 2025 Program Closed
The AfMA mentoring program supports AfMA’s mission of linking people and knowledge to create outcomes by bringing industry participants together who can benefit from, and develop each others knowledge and experience.
This is a 9 month program that provides members with a fantastic unparalled opportunity to link with an industry leader or specialist to expand their professional knowledge, network, develop their careers and leadership capability or expand fleet management skills and outcomes. Program outcomes are flexible and areas of focus are determined by the participants.
AfMA are very pleased to announce that applications for mentees and mentors are now open to join the 2025 Program. You must be an Individual member or work for a organisational member or resource subscriber to be eligible.
You must also commit to the minimum of 6 one-hour mentor sessions and three one-hour AFMA support sessions to get the most out of the program.
About this Program
The AfMA Mentoring Program is an important initiative that supports the professional and personal development of our members and the industry.
The fleet and automotive industries are experiencing significant change while recent events have seen many of us reconsider our personal priorities. This program provides a confidential, non-judgemental environment where mentees can explore their professional and personal priorities, goals and outcomes with like-minded industry people, through participation in a mutually beneficial relationship.
Why You Should Join this Program?
Both Mentors and Mentees experience significant benefits from being in a mentoring relationship. Benefits Include:
- One on one access to industry professionals and leaders
- Enhancing fleet knowledge and achieving better fleet outcomes
- Building and expanding personal and industry profile and networks
- Growing and challenging your thinking and the thinking of others
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) development
- Understanding your industry and its challenges from another perspective
- Enhancing interpersonal leadership and management skills
- Being a strategic thought partner
- Enhancing the professionalism of the Fleet and Automotive industries
- Promoting personal and professional development (creating a safe space for difficult conversations)
- Depending on the mentors’ skills, so much more than fleet issues will be worked through. Conversations on influencing others, managing up, writing business cases, exploring new ideas, HR and sharing of prior experiences are just some of the topics that can be explored.
What Commitment is Required?
- The Program consist of at least 6 one hour mentoring sessions and three AfMA one hour support sessions over 9 months
- The mentee is responsible for orgnising meetings and meeting agendas
- The Program also requires scheduled reflective and preparation time to be able to get the most benefit
- Signing of a confidentiality agreement, ensuring discussions are confidential unless stipulated otherwise
- Signing of a commitment agreement, including attendance at all Program group sessions
- Willingness to share learnings and experiences with others
- Willingness to challenge yourself and what you know
- Commitment to individual growth and development over the Program
- Commitment to complete a Program survey for the enhancement of future programs
How do I join?
- Applications are open for current AfMA members to join as mentees or mentors until 14th March 2025.
- Participation is by application. This form will request information of both potential mentors and mentees to ensure the best matching of participants.
- If we do not have a suitable match for you and your goals , we won’t pair you for the sake of putting you in the program.
- Please submit your application by 14th March by completing either the Mentor Application or the Mentee Application form.
- You must be an individual member or work for an organisational member to be eligible. Click here for more information on memberships
- We will let you know by early March whether you have been successfully matched and further details of how to take advantage of this great opportunity. Dont miss out. Apply now.
General Information
- Participation is voluntary
- All Information relating to participants is confidential
- AfMA will use the information provided on the application forms to match mentors and mentees
- AfMA will do its best to ensure mentors and mentees are suitably matched
- A subcommittee of AfMA consisting of staff and members are administering this Program.
- Participants sign a confidentiality agreement
Please Contact [email protected] with any questions.
The AfMA Mentoring Program
The AfMA mentoring program is a industry leading initative that connects matched mentors and mentees who want to make a difference and develop professionally and personally.
Over a 9 month period, mentees and mentors will work together to develop and achieve the mentees objectives.
Mentees and mentors decide what areas they wish to focus on and how success will be measured. Participants come from all areas of the fleet and auto industries while focus areas are diverse and include specific fleet optimisation outcomes, leadership development, career change assistance and cost effective fleet procurement practices. All participants both mentees and mentors, benefit from this valuble opportunity.
Mentees gain one on one access to industry leaders and specialists while mentors contribute to the future of the industry.
Dont miss this unique oportunity. For further information and how to apply click here.