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Supporting Partners

Corporate Partners

Corporate partners underpin AfMA’s ability to deliver member resources and advocate on behalf of the fleet industry. Beyond providing funding our valued Corporate Partners provide knowledge , resources and support for AfMA and its members as we link people and knowledge by providing a wide range of activities , events and resources for our members and the industry as a whole. AfMA could not continue to do this without the support of our Corporate Partners.

Our Corporate Partners offer scholarships to Swinburne’s Diploma of Leadership and Management as they seek to promote fleet management as a true profession.

Contact us to discuss how your organisation can become a partner play a greater roll in elevating the Australian Fleet and Automotive Industries.

It has been a busy year for AfMA and we thank our Corporate Partners to be able to deliver a number of initiatives:-

  • Launch the Fleet Management Guide (micro website for members which includes a self-assessment tools for all things fleet)
  • Whole of life Cost Calculator
  • Held a successful Conference & Exhibition, our 1st Conference Dinner and raised some much needed funds for Kids Under Cover
  • Held the Fleet Awards
  • Bi monthly editions of the FleetDrive
  • Published over 120 articles on Industry News
  • Participating in the whole of Australian government’s review of vehicle emissions
  • Participating in the industry translation group for MUARC’s workplace road safety study
  • Collaborated with NRSPP with Safe Use of Mobiles in Vehicles (SUMV) including hosting the base line survey for any company or organisation
  • Collaborating with NRSPP on Grey Fleet
  • Conducted Professional Development Forums (PDF’s) in NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, SA, WA and NZ

Supplier Partners

AFMA acts as the conduit between fleet managers and the marketplace in order to bolster and grow the fleet industry. Without an effective, passionate and innovative network of supplier partners, fleet management goals cannot be realised.

AFMA assists supplier members build bridges between fleet professionals and their company. Our supplier director is the first port of call for fleet professionals seeking solutions and our supplier members get pride of place at our annual Fleet Conference & Exhibition, reap the prosperity of forming solid connections through state-based Professional Development Forums and make new contacts along the way.

Supplier members gain access to showcase their brand’s ideas and solutions through enviable advertising and sponsorship opportunities front-and-centre at our key events, enjoy content in our bi-monthly FleetDrive e-magazine, site and social media channels.

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Fleet Summit Sponsors

Global Fleet Networking Consortium

“To facilitate the growth of global fleet management”

The purpose of the Consortium is to establish partnerships promoting cooperation between fleet associations operating across the globe by creating a framework that will enable each association to benefit from collaborative activities in fulfilling their own strategic missions.

Consortium goals include: –

• Supporting each other’s conferences and educational events• Exchange of non-proprietary information and best practices concerning their respective fleet markets

• Sharing of local fleet market information with each association functioning as a resource centre for one another’s members• Establishment of regular communication between the leadership of the associations by providing quarterly updates on new developments

• Cultivate a commitment to create a worldwide fleet community that will collaboratively shape the future direction of global fleet management for the betterment of all. The Mission statement is simple, “To facilitate the growth of global fleet management”.

Member Organisations

  • Automotive Fleet & Leasing Association AFLA United States of America
  • Australasian Fleet Management Association AfMA Australia
  • Mexican Association of Vehicle Leasing AMAV Mexico
  • Association of Car Fleet Operators ACFO United Kingdom
  • China Road Transport Association CRTA China

Supporting Partners