Supporting Partners

The Australasian Fleet Management Association (AfMA) is a member based, not-for-profit peak industry body .
AfMA’s membership base is represented across all sectors of the Fleet And Automotive industries including Corporate, SME, Fleet Management, Distributors, Manufacturers, Suppliers and Federal, State and Local Governments .
Our charter is to promote Fleet Management as a profession in its own right, to provide knowledge, information, and resources to our Members and the wider fleet community, and to lobby and advocate on behalf of the fleet industry.
Join AfMA today to gain exclusive access to special events, industry news, networking and professional and personal development resources.
Why Become a Member?
AfMA is the leading body for the Australian Fleet and Automotive industries. Membership demonstrates your professionalism and commitment to the industry, your fleet outcomes and your own personal career development.
Become a part of Australia’s largest community of Fleet and Automotive professionals and gain access to the networks, tools, resources and guidance that will support and develop your professional success and deliver better Fleet Management outcomes for your organisation.