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Osmose Australia has been awarded with the 2024 Fleet Safety Award at the Australian Fleet Education & Leadership Summit, celebrating their outstanding advancements in fleet safety and their commitment to a culture of continuous improvement. 

Advancing Fleet Safety Standards 

Under the dynamic leadership of Managing Director Mike Kemp, Osmose Australia has achieved remarkable progress in enhancing fleet safety. Since joining the company in May 2023, Mike has brought a strong focus on safety, making it a foundational element of Osmoses’ operations. 

Osmose Australia’s approach to fleet safety has brought meaningful changes. They implemented a standardised telematics system, rebranded as the ‘Driver Safety System’ (DSS), which now includes AI cameras to monitor and enhance driver safety. This system has revolutionised their fleet operations, providing real-time data and alerts that have drastically reduced vehicle incidents and improved overall driver behaviour. 

Key Initiatives and Achievements 

The introduction of the Driver Safety System marked a significant shift in Osmoses’ safety culture. By transitioning from a basic tracking tool to a comprehensive safety system, they have fostered a more engaged and safety-conscious workforce. Regular safety meetings and toolbox talks have reinforced the importance of safety, leading to a notable improvement in driver engagement and responsibility. 

Proactive measures, such as instant SMS and email alerts for potential impacts or rollovers, have ensured quick responses and enhanced driver welfare. The system also tracks and reports on speeding and driving without rest breaks, contributing to a significant reduction in unsafe driving practices. 

The results speak volumes. Osmose Australia has seen a 20% improvement in their Driver Score, a 66% reduction in harsh accelerations, and a 37% decrease in harsh braking incidents. Speeding duration has been cut by 90%, demonstrating the effectiveness of their comprehensive safety initiatives. 

Osmoses’ dedication to safety is evident in the way it has embraced a culture of continuous improvement. Weekly individualised reports keep drivers informed and motivated, while upcoming recognition programs aim to celebrate the best and most improved drivers, further reinforcing positive driving behaviour.  

A Vision for a Safer Future 

Reflecting on their achievements, Mike Kemp expressed, “Winning the Fleet Safety Award is a tremendous honour for Osmose Australia. Our primary goal has always been to ensure our employees return home safely every day. This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team in embedding a robust safety culture. Safety is a journey, not a destination, and we are committed to continuously improving our driver safety program to protect our employees and the communities we serve.” 

Setting New Standards in Fleet Safety 

Mike Kemp added, “We are incredibly proud of the strides we have made in fleet safety. The implementation of the Driver Safety System and our focus on proactive safety measures have not only improved the safety of our drivers but also set a new benchmark in the industry. We look forward to continuing our journey towards even greater safety excellence.” 

On behalf of our industry, we extend our congratulations to Osmose for their achievements and eagerly anticipate their future progress! 

 The 2024 Fleet Safety Award is proudly sponsored by: 


Other Notable Achievements:

  • Significant reduction in harsh driving events, with harsh accelerations per 1,000 km. 
  • Dramatic decrease in harsh braking incidents per 1,000 km. 
  • Zero instances of excessive or “reckless” speeds (greater than 135 km/hr) recorded since implementation. 
  • Substantial reduction in speeding duration. 
  • Improved Driver Score demonstrating enhanced driver performance. 
  • Enhanced driver engagement and safety awareness, resulting in a notable decrease in accidents and incidents across the fleet. 
  • Implementation of instant SMS and email alerts for potential impact or rollovers detected by the telematics system, ensuring swift intervention and driver welfare checks.