Future Victorian suburb to be built dedicated to utilizing Tesla Powerwall
YarraBend will be the world’s first residential suburb built entirely with home solar panel installations connected to Tesla Powerwall inverter rechargers for EV use.
To be built within half a kilometre of Alphington station and less to Fairfield station, on the bank of the Yarra River, the new suburb aims to be one of the world’s most sustainable. To achieve the feat, the 14.46 hectare YarraBend will be built by developers Glenvill to reduce its environmental footprint. Some 60 homes out of the proposed 2500 have already been built.
Although the Heidleberg Leader has reported it could increase congestion in the Ivanhoe area by 5000 vehicles on local roads, Urban Development Institue of Australia chief executive Danni Addison, said Yarrabend will, “be one of the most environmentally sustainable developments in Australia.”

Courtesy: Glenvill
“Some areas that are a standout,” he said, “include water reduction of 43 per cent, landfill reduced by 80 per cent, and the potential to reduce energy use by 34 per cent. The Tesla Powerwalls, combined with solar panels (as standard) will mean that future residents will be able to benefit in a variety of ways, including dramatically smaller power billsand knowing that the majority of their energy usage is coming from a clean and renewable source.”
Addison also predicts that Tesla charging facilities will potentially mean “‘refuelling’ future residents’ electric cars will be free.”
Housing prices range from $1.48 million to $2.1 million for three- to five-bedroom houses.